Don’t Let Your Company Culture in the Shipyard Scare Top Talent Away
Boo! Did we scare you? It’s that time of year again. When spooky and scary turns into fun Halloween entertainment. But do you know what isn’t fun? When your company culture is a nightmare that scares top talent away from your shipyard. Company culture is critical to building a satisfied, motivated workforce, and when something […]
How to Improve Your Company Culture
What is your company culture? Studies are showing that job seekers are looking to work with employers who share their values and workstyle. It’s essential to demonstrate your company culture and make positive improvements to attract top talent and keep superstars on your team. Here are just a few things you can do to improve […]
How Positivity Can Affect Your Shipyard
Positivity may be more important than you realize. And creating a culture of positivity in your shipyard has the potential to increase employee and customer satisfaction, productivity, and efficiency. An organizational attitude developed from the top-down is one way to reinforce the positive behavior you want to promote in your shipyard. Here is how a […]
Employee Feedback is Essential to the Health of Your Shipyard: Here’s Why
Did you know employee feedback is an essential part of your shipyard’s success? There are many reasons why employee feedback is important for your company and team’s health, and it greatly benefits your business. So what do you need to know about employee feedback, and how do you incorporate it into your shipyard culture. […]