Employee Feedback is Essential to the Health of Your Shipyard: Here’s Why

employee feedback

Did you know employee feedback is an essential part of your shipyard’s success? There are many reasons why employee feedback is important for your company and team’s health, and it greatly benefits your business. So what do you need to know about employee feedback, and how do you incorporate it into your shipyard culture.   […]

Maintain a Competitive Benefits Package. Maintain a High Employee Retention


Benefits packages for employees have been a major topic of discussion this year. With the discussion about essential workers and the long-term impact of the pandemic on the table, employers are considering the best ways to attract and maintain top employees. In the shipyard industry, this conversation has taken on many forms. Here are a […]

Why You Should Be Retraining Employees, Not Firing Them

Retaining Employees

It’s been the same for time and memorial. An employee isn’t working out on the job, and they’re fired. But more companies today are changing their tune about automatically firing employees who aren’t living up to expectations. Add to that the changing workplace that makes certain skills obsolete, and you aren’t sure what to do with […]

Are You Listening to Your Employees’ Concerns?

Do you listen to your employees when they bring up concerns in your shipyard? Some managers choose to dismiss their team when concerns are mentioned, but this can be a fatal mistake. To truly listen to your employees and take their concerns into consideration can be a powerful motivational tool. Here are a few things you can […]