7 Tips for Safeguarding Workers from Falls

fall safety

Falls are one of the most common causes of accidents in the workplace. OSHA attributes them to high numbers of workers’ compensation claims each year. As an employer, it’s your responsibility to ensure that falls are preventable in your shipyard. They affect not only the workers injured but can also impact productivity and fabrication. Here […]

Mapping the Way to Better Maintenance: Find Better Maintenance Crew Candidates

Shipyard Safety

There are a lot of essential positions in your shipyard. Your maintenance crew is one of those key puzzle pieces. So how do you hire top talent for maintenance? Before you advertise and interview for your next open position, consider creating this road map to hiring a better maintenance crew in your shipyard. Let’s take […]

Why Partner with Hutco: Determine Your Crew Needs

determine crew needs

The crew may be the most important part of your shipbuilding operation. Without the right people in the right positions, the work will not be done efficiently or effectively. Hutco has been placing qualified crews since 1986, and we’ve refined and developed our process through the decades to ensure meeting the needs of every customer. […]