Tips to Professionally Handle the Employment Resignation Process

Retaining Employees

Resignations happen even to the best of employers. People leave jobs all the time and not always for negative reasons. Even with the most positive work environment and great team, people quit. Even though many reasons are outside your control, there are some you need to take ownership of. Here is how to professionally handle […]

The Importance Of Clear Performance Expectations

Communication is critical between management and teams. A lack of clear performance expectations often contributes to employee dissatisfaction at work. In studies where employees were asked what makes a bad boss, it was indicated that unclear direction impacted their perception. Here is why clear performance expectations are so important and how to do better for […]

Should You Be Making Physical Ability Testing Part of Pre-Employment?

Work in a shipyard is difficult. It’s often a lot of heavy work in a hot and unforgiving environment. Sometimes the bulk of the work is done in tight spaces. You need to know the people you’re hiring are capable of performing under these conditions. But how can you know that ahead of their start date? Should […]

Tips on Finding a Job When You’re Unemployed

If you find yourself out of work, how do you go about finding your next job in the marine industry? Because shipyard jobs are specialized you may be concerned about whether or not companies in your area are hiring. Before you get too lost in the processes, you may want to take a step back […]

Here Are Some Tips to Handle a Problem Employee in Your Shipyard

No matter how well you run your shipyard, there may come a time when an employee challenges your authority or otherwise becomes a problem. But what can you actually do in this situation? There are a few things that can help resolve the issue before things become complicated. Here are some tips to help you […]

How Lean Safety Will Make Your Business More Profitable

Lean management, or lean production, is the process of ensuring that waste during manufacturing is minimal. But can you apply these principles to your shipyard’s safety program? Of course, you don’t want to create a safety program that is so lean it is barely there, but there are ways you can apply this business philosophy […]