5 Skills Every Marine Professional Should Have
Shipyard and shipbuilding marine professionals play critical roles in ships’ construction, repair, and maintenance. The combination of technical expertise, project management skills, health and safety compliance, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities ensures shipbuilding operations’ efficiency, safety, and quality. Here is more about the five essential skills every shipyard and shipbuilding marine professional should have. […]
Outdated Hiring Practices You Should Move Away From ASAP
Hiring has changed a lot over the last twenty years. Some practices no longer fit the process and should be left in the past. Regardless of the market, some outdated hiring practices need to be eliminated to help you attract and retain top talent. Here are some of the most common obsolete hiring practices that […]
Should You Work With A Recruiter To Find Your Next Position?
How do you look for new jobs? The trades are often where who you know is very important to landing a great job, so why not expand your network to include recruiters? If you’ve been scouring online job sites or checking in with your contacts but still haven’t found a position, working with a recruiter […]
Enticing Younger Workers To Work A Skilled Trade
For a long time, our country pushed the narrative that college was the only path to success for young high school graduates. But crippling student debt has soured many individuals on higher education. Many young adults are considering their alternatives. The demand for skilled trade workers is higher than the supply, so encouraging young people […]
Getting Over the Fear of Feeling Underqualified for a Job You Want
Has this happened to you? You see a job posting and think it would be a great place to work. But as you read the list of qualifications, you start to second guess whether you’re even remotely qualified. What’s worse is when the imposter syndrome kicks in after you start a job and wonder if […]