Important Questions to Ask When Interviewing for Electrician Positions
Interviewing for any specialized position requires more than just the standard questions like “what are your strengths” and “where do you see yourself in 10 years.” You need to get into detail about each candidate’s skills and abilities with the specific position. How can you make sure you’re properly interviewing electricians for your shipyard? Here […]
5 Tips to Manage an Overtly Arrogant Employee
Most managers can share this experience; you have an employee in your shipyard who believes they know all the answers. You can’t tell them what to do or how to do it because they’re convinced, they know better than you. And while you should certainly trust your employees to do the job you’ve hired them for, […]
Why Hiring the Right Employee Helps Your Marine Company
You look at your job description and wonder, will any of the resumes that come across your desk be able to fill this role? And how do you choose? Resumes are just a snapshot, but there are so many details to consider when making a hiring decision. When you hire the right person the first […]