It’s Not Too Late To Find The Perfect Summer Job!

It’s June, and that means summer vacation time! But what if you put off looking for a summertime job for the next few months? It turns out it’s never too late to find the perfect summertime opportunity. If you know where to look, you can find something that will suit your schedule. It may seem […]

What Should You Wear To A Warehouse Interview in 2023?  

The age-old question: what do you wear to a warehouse interview? While warehouses are usually casual environments, with work typically done wearing boots and jeans, people always want to provide a great first impression. But do you go in the other direction and wear a suit? That also doesn’t feel quite right. What message do […]

Do You Have The Common Personality Traits to a Successful Welder?

Welder personality traits

Yes, you have the skills it takes to be a welder. You may even have shipyard experience. But what if those skills aren’t enough to land you your next welding job? Companies hire based on fit, and that means you need to have some personality traits that will be a match for the shipyard and […]