Steps to Finding Your Dream Job This Year

The Great Resignation has also been called the Great Reshuffling or the Great Reset. Workers are leaving jobs that no longer serve them and are considering new career paths moving forward. But what does that mean for you? The doors have opened to help you find your dream job this year. If you’re looking for […]

Qualities to Look for in a Skilled Rigger

Riggers in shipyards are skilled individuals who require precise experience to be able to do the job. As a hiring manager how do you know what qualities to look for in a skilled rigger? While a primary function of a marine rigger is to connect lifting lines, they also may rig lifts for sections of […]

Are You Listening to Your Employees’ Concerns?

Do you listen to your employees when they bring up concerns in your shipyard? Some managers choose to dismiss their team when concerns are mentioned, but this can be a fatal mistake. To truly listen to your employees and take their concerns into consideration can be a powerful motivational tool. Here are a few things you can […]

4 Hot Jobs in Shipbuilding Now

Have you thought a job in a shipyard would be exciting? If you love physical work in an industry that is in high demand, a marine industry job would be a great avenue to pursue. But if you’re not sure what to consider, there may be some top jobs that can get your foot in […]

Ensure Your Employees are Prepared For The Summer Heat

Working outside in the hot summer sun can be a challenge. Being prepared to work in the summer heat is essential for anyone in the marine industry. As a manager, it’s important that you focus on safety and provide your team the right tools both physically and mentally to handle working throughout the summer. Hydration […]

Best Practices To Managing Stress on The Job

Working in a shipyard is often a physical job, but like any job it can also be stressful in terms of mental health. And, in a complete cycle, stress can negatively impact physical health. In fact, stress on the job can cause heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. So how do you manage […]