You’re Highly Skilled, But Here’s Why You Should Work with a Recruiter

Highly Skilled Work With Recruiter

Sure, you’re confident in your abilities. But confidence isn’t all it takes to land a job. Even if you’re highly skilled with years of experience on your side, that doesn’t mean it’ll be automatically easy. Why not give yourself the best possible opportunity? Working with a recruiter can give you the boost you need to […]

Experience Needed to be a Structural Fabricator

If you like working with your hands, machines, and tools, a career as a structural fabricator may be a good fit for you. This is especially true if you get satisfaction from seeing your work in large scale applications. Structural fabricators are essential in shipyards. If you think working with metal and building ships is […]

Tips For Retaining Your Best Shipyard Employees

Retaining shipyard employees

Do you know if your top performers are truly happy in their jobs? You may not realize it, but they could already be thinking about their next career move. When people are dissatisfied with their current roles, their bosses are often the last to know about it. So how can you make sure you retain […]