Do You Know What Recruiters Are Looking For On Your 2023 Resume?

Your resume is the first impression you make for recruiters and hiring managers. You want to ensure that it has everything you need to succeed. It should include your employment history and accomplishments to sell your skills to the hiring manager. So what are recruiters looking for in the first stages of reviewing a resume? […]

Tips for Dealing with a Negative Coworker

There are all kinds of nicknames for those people in the office who drag everyone down. Sometimes avoiding the Grumpy Gus on your team is next to impossible. They don’t like their jobs, don’t like the company, and are generally unpleasant to deal with. To be successful at work, you need to learn constructive ways […]

3 Reasons You Should Go to the Gym Before (or After!) Every Shift

Building healthy habits is a great way to keep yourself fit and engaged. Daily exercise is one of the best long-term habits a person can have. Even 30 minutes of exercise before or after work will leave you energized, clear-headed, stronger, and feeling better about yourself.   Here are three reasons you should go to […]

Benefits of Being Loyal to An Employer in 2022

Highly Skilled Work With Recruiter

The Great Resignation is continuing for the foreseeable future. People are deciding to leave companies for new opportunities that offer better pay or benefits. But is it always the best idea for your career? Will it make your resume look bad in a few years when the job market levels out again? Let’s take a […]

Preparing Your Cover Letter & Resume For A Maritime Job

Highly Skilled Work With Recruiter

A resume is your first impression when looking for a job. They’re not meant to land you a job but to get you a shot at an interview where you can impress the company with your skills and background. So how do you create a fantastic resume and cover letter for your next maritime job? […]

Unique Ways to Find New Employees

pipefitter success

With The Great Resignation affecting all industries, it feels like candidates must be readily available. But there are several factors at play. Some are looking for new career paths altogether, some have chosen not to go back to the traditional workplace, and others are making even more significant changes. That puts employers in the unusual […]