What to Consider When Hiring a Machinist

mentoring senior staff

Machinists are an integral part of your shipyard. In your interview, you want to separate beginners from experts, so what questions should you be asking to get to the bottom of things? Here are some things you should know and a few sample interview questions to help you check that your qualifications are being met. […]

4 Hot Jobs in Shipbuilding Now

Have you thought a job in a shipyard would be exciting? If you love physical work in an industry that is in high demand, a marine industry job would be a great avenue to pursue. But if you’re not sure what to consider, there may be some top jobs that can get your foot in […]

Ensure Your Employees are Prepared For The Summer Heat

Working outside in the hot summer sun can be a challenge. Being prepared to work in the summer heat is essential for anyone in the marine industry. As a manager, it’s important that you focus on safety and provide your team the right tools both physically and mentally to handle working throughout the summer. Hydration […]

Best Practices To Managing Stress on The Job

Working in a shipyard is often a physical job, but like any job it can also be stressful in terms of mental health. And, in a complete cycle, stress can negatively impact physical health. In fact, stress on the job can cause heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. So how do you manage […]

The Interview Guide: Ensure You’re Ready with These Easy Interview Prep Tips

Before your next interview, it’s important that you’re fully prepared. While the shipyard environment may be different from any other workplace environment, the basics of interviewing stays the same across the board. It’s helpful to have some easy prep tips to get you started so you’re ready to go well before you step into the […]

Top Tips on Overcoming Generation Gaps at Work

The marine industry is very different than many other career paths. Working within a shipyard is a form of fabrication and manufacturing that is specialized and specific. You’ll find when you start a position in this kind of environment you’ll be working with a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds, including a generational […]