Why You Should Be Recruiting More Women to Work in the Maritime Industry
There is no better time than the present to focus on diversity, inclusion, and equity in your maritime workplace. While the jobs are often associated with men, women have a long and rich history in marine industry jobs. Why should you be focusing your hiring efforts on recruiting more women to work for you? Here […]
How Technology is Changing in the Maritime Industry
Technology has always influenced the maritime industry. From the earliest wooden boats constructed to discover new worlds to ships designed for war, shipbuilding benefits from the latest technology and its long history and tradition. So what technology is becoming essential for changes in the maritime industry this decade? Here are a few things your company […]
Build Your Future in the Maritime Industry: Steps to Success
So, you want a job in a shipyard? What does it take to succeed in this exciting but specialized industry? In this post, we’ll take a look at what steps you can take to have a successful career in shipbuilding, even if you’re starting from the ground up. Let’s take a closer look. 1. Consider […]
How to Make a Good Impression During Your Shipyard Interview
The interview for your next shipyard job is your chance to make a great impression. Interviewing is how a potential employer gets to know who you are and how well you think on your feet. It’s good to be prepared ahead of your meeting, so consider these tips to help you make the best first […]
Top 5 Reasons to Pursue a Maritime Welding Career
Have you considered taking your welding skills to the maritime industry? Shipbuilding can be a rewarding and lucrative career, and welding is always in demand. If you have the right skills, there are countless opportunities for employment and advancement. Let’s take a closer look at the top 5 reasons to pursue a maritime welding career. […]
You’re Highly Skilled, But Here’s Why You Should Work with a Recruiter
Sure, you’re confident in your abilities. But confidence isn’t all it takes to land a job. Even if you’re highly skilled with years of experience on your side, that doesn’t mean it’ll be automatically easy. Why not give yourself the best possible opportunity? Working with a recruiter can give you the boost you need to […]