The Guide To Becoming a Marine Joiner

Do you want to become a marine joiner? A career in the shipyard industry is both specialized and rewarding. But to do it, you need specific training and experience. If you want to pursue a career as a marine joiner, you need to know the basics of what the job is and how to get […]

Tips on Finding Top Talent in a Skilled Trades Labor Shortage

There is a labor shortage in the country. With so many people working on opportunities related to technology or business, some of the more physical jobs are becoming harder and harder to fill. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are ways to source and hire top labor talent even in this economy. […]

How Do I Become a CAD Designer?

There is so much more to working in a shipyard than just welding or fabrication. What about the designers who work tirelessly to design efficient and effective ships for clients? If you think that designing may be in your future, what do you need to do to gain the skills necessary for success? The first […]

4 Things to Consider When Transitioning Contract Employees to Permanent Employees

The marine industry is one that often turns to short-term manufacturing help to get through a big project push. Often, when you’re working with contractors to assist with a big project, you don’t expect to make a permanent job offer. But talent comes when talent comes and you may find a perfect long-term employee in […]

How To Reduce Downtime In Your Shipyard

Downtime is a word many employers dread. Here’s the thing. Some built-in downtime is a good thing for your team. It keeps them from being overworked and burned out on the job. But too much downtime is not a great thing for your business and can lead to missed details and paying for extra hours. […]

Are You Using Social Media To Find Top Shipyard Talent?

You may not think about social media as a tool to help you find talent for your shipyard, but there may be something you’re missing by not giving it a try. Though you may think it’s just a fad or that the people you’re searching for, but there is real value is expanding your talent […]