Best Practices To Managing Stress on The Job

Working in a shipyard is often a physical job, but like any job it can also be stressful in terms of mental health. And, in a complete cycle, stress can negatively impact physical health. In fact, stress on the job can cause heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. So how do you manage […]

Best Practices on Motivating Your Underperforming Employees

Are you concerned that some of your shipyard employees aren’t working up to their potential? Maybe they started out strong but as time went by they became complacent in their work. Or maybe their initial interview indicated a stronger performance level than they’ve been providing since day one. There could be added responsibilities that aren’t […]

Here Is Why You Should Take Temp Positions in The Shipbuilding Industry

There are many reasons why taking a temporary job can be a benefit to you as a job seeker. This is especially true if you’re looking to get into a specialized industry such as shipbuilding. Before you start looking for your next job opportunity, consider one of these reasons to apply with a staffing agency […]

How Will Smart Ships Impact The Maritime Industry?

We all know about the revolution happening for smart technology in houses and even cars. With computers helping drivers with collision avoidance and backing up, the roads are getting safer. Google Home and Amazon Alexa are changing the ways we interact with technology, and how we can integrate those things into the everyday items we […]

Is a Staffing Agency Right for My Shipyard Business?

The shipyard industry is different from many other manufacturing or fabrication business. In this way, your workplace needs specialized skills from individuals and a dedicated workforce. Could a staffing agency be the ticket to the right employee results? As it turns out, partnering with a staffing firm that specializes in marine placements might be your […]