How To Stay Safe On The Job This Summer

Summer heat can be brutal. That’s why many people retreat to the comfort of airconditioned homes and offices. But shipyard workers don’t always have that luxury, so it’s important to be prepared for the summer heat. Not only will you need to work in the sun, but many aspects of shipbuilding are done in small, […]

Tips on Properly Conducting Interviews with Your Candidates

As an employer, you expect that your candidates come to the interview table prepared. They should have done research on your company, dressed professionally, and practiced how to speak confidently about their experience and background. But what about your preparation? Knowing how to interview is a learned behavior, and it’s just as important for you […]

Are You Searching For Jobs on Facebook?

You already know that social media is considered one of the top places to look for a job. But how do you even get started when looking at shipyards in your area? Where do you look and how do you not get lost down a rabbit hole of celebrity gossip and photos of cats? There […]