What are Shipyard Employees Looking for in an Employer?

When you search for new shipyard employees, you know what qualifications you need and the kinds of candidates who can help your company succeed. But what about the things you can offer your employees? Retention is a big issue, and it’s imperative that you provide an environment where shipyard workers will want to be. Here […]

Top Tips on Overcoming Generation Gaps at Work

The marine industry is very different than many other career paths. Working within a shipyard is a form of fabrication and manufacturing that is specialized and specific. You’ll find when you start a position in this kind of environment you’ll be working with a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds, including a generational […]

Should You Use a Staffing Agency to Get a Shipyard Job?

Are you looking for a shipyard job? Have you considered working with a staffing agency that specializes in marine career placements? If not, you might want to think about working with these professional recruiters to help you find the best opportunity that matches your skills, experience, and interests. Staffing agencies are in place to help […]

How Can Management Set the Tone for Safety with Your Marine Company?

Safety is paramount. And even if you have a culture of safety at your worksite, it is imperative that your management team sets the tone for your employees. Marine companies have special considerations that other industries may not have, so it is imperative that everyone have the right buy-in for the safety programs you have […]