4 Must-Have Skills on Your Welding Resume

If you want to find your next welding job, you need to be able to stand out from the competition. With so many people vying for these opportunities, what can you bring to the table that will attract employers’ attention? Here are some skills you should be sure to have on your resume to ensure […]

Employers Are Looking for These Skills in Their Shipyards in 2021

shipyard skills

Most of us are glad to put 2020 behind us. But that doesn’t mean everything has gone back to exactly the way we were used to in 2021. Shipyards are evolving as much as any other industry, and many of those changes were already on track before the pandemic affected the economy. So, what skills […]

Out of Work? Refresh Your Welding Skills with These 3 Tips

out of work

Are you out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, you may be worried that your welding skills aren’t staying fresh. Sure, in many ways, welding is like riding a bicycle. You can remember all the important steps when you’re an expert. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be continuously refreshing your welding […]