Gaps in Your Employment? No Problem!

You’ve probably heard over and over again that a gap in your resume can limit your potential for finding your next job. But the truth is, gaps happen and it isn’t the presence of a gap that will make a difference but how you approach it. If you have a gap in your work experience, you might want to consider the ways in which you can face the issue head on in your next interview. Here’s how to do that with grace and finesse and make the right impression.

Be honest about the reasons.

Lying on your resume or in an interview is never an appropriate response. Don’t fudge the numbers on your resume to make it look like you had less of a gap. And don’t lie when asked about it in an interview. It is important that you’re honest. And, if you were fired from a job, focus on the positive aspects about what that experience taught you.

Be confident and positive.

Confidence is the real key to impressing an interviewer. Own your past mistakes. Remain confident about your skills and don’t let adversity get you down. All of this can make a good impression on the person making the hiring decision, even if you do have a gap in your work experience.

Develop professional network connections.

There are a lot of reasons you might be out of work, but during that period of time don’t forget to continue to network. Make connections in your community and in your industry both online and in person. Take classes that can help you advance your career. Join groups to facilitate discussion and continued learning.

Demonstrate how you used that time.

Of course, even if you were out of work you probably weren’t just sitting around the house the whole time. What were you doing instead? Did you volunteer with a local organization? Did you work on a major project such as building something or writing something? Did you go to school? You can add these things to a resume to fill in the gaps and show that you didn’t take this time off entirely.

Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.

Are you looking for help finding your next marine industry job? Contact the recruiters at Hutco to learn more today.
