Workplace safety is imperative in your marine environment. But what happens when your staff isn’t on the same page? How can you be sure that your workplace safety initiatives are being accepted and followed? If you’re struggling with safety in your workplace, maybe changing your message would help. Where the information comes from, how it is positioned, and the incentives provided can all influence whether or not your workers adhere to the policies. Here are some things you can do enforce your culture of safety in your workplace.
Focus on the positive.
Safety is a serious topic, but that doesn’t mean it has to be dire. When you consider the messaging, try to focus on how these processes and procedures will improve your company’s overall satisfaction rather than spending too much time on the negative consequences of problems. The more positive you are, the better your message will be received.
Make it about team support.
You also want to make sure your staff knows that the policies and procedures are in place to make their jobs easier and safer. You want them to understand that adhering to safety standards will make the workplace better overall, not just in terms of checking off the right boxes for safety audits.
Avoid prohibitive language.
Sometimes, the best way to get your staff to change their attitude toward safety is to change the language. Rather than giving them messages that tell them “Don’t,” consider rewording safety in a way that gives them ownership over the process. Tell them, “Here is the benefit of a safe workplace.”
Start from the top down.
Finally, it is imperative that if you want your safety initiatives to be successful that you manage the process from the top down. Every single member of your executive and management team should live the culture of safety when in the workplace. No one is immune from the requirements that create a safe environment for all staff members.
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