Productivity is critical in a deadline-oriented industry like shipbuilding and other marine applications. So how can you make sure that your team is working at peak efficiency? Tracking the factors that affect overall productivity is a good start. Here are some things to watch out for that might be slowing your staff down in the shipyard.
The overall weather
Shipyards are, by nature, dependent on the weather. And rain or shine, you have to make sure that your staff is remaining productive. That means making provisions for all possible situations. On hot days, provide sun protection, ample breaks, and water to ensure everyone is hydrated. Make work plans for rain or other common weather patterns. If the weather would create dangerous situations for your staff, ensure that there is a procedure to follow.
Not enough space
Working on a ship can mean tight quarters. In most cases, very little can be done about this. However, even your most trusted employees can become fatigued by working in confined spaces for an extended period of time. Create a plan to allow for the rotation of duties to keep your employees from buckling under the pressure of the job.
Bad attitude or culture
Something you can control is the culture of your shipyard and the overall attitude. When someone is difficult to work with or has a negative attitude, it doesn’t take long for that to negativity spread among your employees like an infection. It is critical that you maintain a positive shipyard culture so everyone is healthy, happy, and productive on the job.
Not enough staff
Sometimes the trouble with productivity comes with not having enough staff or the overuse of overtime. Yes, overtime can benefit your marine business as well as the individual employees, but an overreliance on it can lead to long-term burnout and reduced productivity. Instead, make sure that you have enough people on each shift to get the maximum work quality from everyone while still maintaining your bottom line.
Work with the Leader in Marine Staffing
Are you looking for the shipyard employees that can make your operation more productive? Hutco can help – contact us today.