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How Are the New Emission Standards Affecting Tug Design?


Big changes are happening in the ship design industry, specifically when it comes to green energy and environmental consciousness. New emissions standards are now affecting the way tugs are designed and built. New tugs are now utilizing bigger, heavier engines which required the establishment of Tier 4 emission standards. This will change everything about the space requirements and complexity of emissions controls. Let’s take a closer look.

Larger tugs for larger ships.

More shipping prospects for the United States and larger container ships means that the industry for tugs will need to evolve. Larger tugs with more horsepower will be needed to pull these giants through tight spaces. However, the challenge still lies in the maneuverability. Even requiring more power, tugs need to be able to fit in small spaces and be easily steered.

Exhaust treatment protocols.

Another consideration for the industry is the new emissions protocols required moving forward. The EPA’s Tier 4 emission standards will need to be followed and many tug manufacturers are responding with a 74 percent decrease of nitrogen oxide as well as an 82 percent reduction of particulate matter. These will not only help meet the new exhaust standards, but will improve the overall efficiency of these new tugs.

Changes to ballast water.

Another big innovation that has occurred since the announcement of the EPA’s new standards is changes to ballast water. There are new rules to treat ballast water for the control of invasive marine species, which have cause problems in many marine environments. Some designs have eliminated ballast water tanks altogether.

New tug designs and older boats.

As the Tier 3 rules are still in place, many manufacturers are rushing to build boats without having to implement the new Tier 4 regulations. However, these emissions standards will still affect older boats being used on the water today and in the near future. It is critical to understand how these new standards will affect your ability to build tugs moving forward.

Work with a Leader in Marine and Shipyard Staffing

Do you have more questions about the new EPA Tier 4 standards and your marine business? Hutco specializes in marine and shipyard staffing, so call us to learn more.





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