Laboring outdoors, or in tight spaces, while working in a shipyard has more than a few health hazards. As the employer, you have a responsibility to ensure the safety of your staff each and every day, even in the intense heat of the hottest summer months. So how can you be sure your team is both effective and safe this summer? Here are a few things you can do to improve conditions.
Keep them hydrated.
Dehydration can happen faster than anyone realizes. Once a person feels thirsty, they are already dehydrated. Make sure your staff has access to water and frequent enough breaks to drink what they need. It may also be a good idea to keep drinks with electrolytes, such as Gatorade, on hand to help replenish vital nutrients while working in the heat.
Provide cooling equipment.
You should also provide shelter and cooling equipment so your workers can keep cool during the day. This needs to be accompanied with breaks that allow them to get out of the sun. And equipment doesn’t just have to be high tech. Also provide sun protection, such as sunscreen or shirts that block the UV rays. Proper clothes that help wick moisture can help as well.
Watch for signs of strain.
As the manager, it is incredibly important that you monitor your staff for signs of exhaustion, heat stroke, or dehydration. When you see any sign that an employee is under strain from working outside or hot spaces, make sure they take a break or get the help they need to avoid further complications.
Rely on experts in heat safety.
You don’t have to do this all on your own, either. There are safety experts who can help you and your shipyard develop programs to help keep your workers safe throughout the hot summer months. Bring in a consulting team to create a safety plan that will encourage safe behavior, prevention, and other tools to improve working conditions in the summertime.
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