Employee retention is at the forefront of the battle for talent today. With skills trades in high demand, you need to ensure that your current marine staff is engaged and motivated. So, are you doing enough to keep your best shipyard workers happy on the job? You may want to consider additional ways to augment their experience and ensure that they remain with your company rather than looking for the next opportunity. Here’s how.
Learn their interests and goals.
To get to know your team, start by learning who they are as people. What are their interests? What do they like? What motivates them? And, ultimately, what are their goals? Not just for their job, but for their lives. What makes them get up every morning and get going? Answering these fundamental questions will give your insight on how to ensure your team is satisfied on the job.
Provide a career roadmap.
No one wants to remain stagnant in their career or any other aspect of their lives. Once you understand their long-term goals, you can provide a career roadmap that can help them improve their skills, take on more responsibilities, and feel as though the company is genuinely interested in their contribution and ability to continue learning.
Allow for additional training.
To do this, you should offer programs for additional training. You probably already have training programs in place for critical things like updated technology or safety protocols. But, you should also encourage your team to take additional training in a number of other skills and interests that can enhance their satisfaction on the job but also your productivity.
Listen to their input.
All of this is a good start to a better employee retention program, but it shouldn’t stop there. Employees also want to know that they’re being heard. You should ask for opinions and input along the way anytime you’re changing policies or instituting a new program. Ask them what they think. Ask them to bring new ideas to the table that can help improve the workplace and their experience.
Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.
Do you want to hire the best marine professionals for your shipyard? Hutco can help, so contact our experts today.