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Top Leadership Mistakes and How To Avoid Making Them

Leadership is a skill that takes time and practice. There may be circumstances where things don’t go exactly the way you want them to, and that’s okay. Everything is a learning experience. However, there is no rule that says you can’t learn from someone else’s mistakes. So what are the top leadership mistakes and how can you avoid making them? Here are some things to keep in mind.

Recognizing your own ego

Ego is sometimes the hardest thing to recognize about yourself. It can be easily bruised, but it can also get in the way. What’s important is that you recognize your own ego and don’t allow yourself to be carried away by your own sense of self-importance. Empathy for your team will be equally as important.

Saying it’s the way it’s always been done

“Because I told you so,” is not a great strategy for management. And neither is such a lack of flexibility that you will dig in your heels when something new is suggested. Just because something’s always been done one way doesn’t mean that it has to be done that way forever. Consider the alternatives and be willing to accept change.

Not being self-aware

You should also have an understanding of yourself, your methods, and the way you interact with others. A lack of self-awareness can only lead to confusion and miscommunications between yourself and others. Know your own strengths and weaknesses and work with them to improve yourself as a manager.

Not living up to your personal values

As a manager, you probably talk a lot about the corporate culture and shared values of your company. But do you also live up to your personal values and are those in line with the mission of your company. When you say things, you need to back those up with action. You need to live out your values and contribute positively to the work environment.

Not respecting your staff

Finally, as a manager, your best asset is your team. If at any point you find yourself engaging in behavior that minimizes your staff’s feelings, invalidates their experience, or disrespects them as a person you will not be living up to your end of the management bargain.

Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.

Do you have more questions about effective leadership strategies? Contact the team at Hutco to see how we can help.




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