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5 Steps to Stay Safe in High Temperature Environments

Though it may feel like the weather is cooling down for the season, there is still some reason to be concerned about high heat if you’re working outside or within a new ship build, especially if you’re welding or near the process of welding. Overheating can play a factor in exhaustion and stress, so it’s best to maintain the right safety precautions surrounding your work. Before you head out to the job site, consider these heat safety considerations.

Take breaks.

Welding and fabrication can be exhausting work, but that doesn’t mean you should push yourself beyond the breaking point. Especially when working in a high-temperature environment, no matter what time of year, you should take regular breaks. An employer should value the safety of their employees, so talk to them about their process for ensuring breaks on the job.

Stay hydrated.

Dehydration can be the root cause for many problems, especially overheating. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day to replenish what your body is sweating out. You may also want to consider drinks that contain electrolytes to help maintain healthy hydration as you physically exert yourself.

Use the shade.

We only tend to think about it in the summer, but even in the winter sun exposure can cause skin damage. Using the shade to stay out of direct sun helps reduce the probability of heat stroke as well as sunburn. Especially when you’re working in a high-heat environment, make sure you have a place to retreat where you’re out of the sun.

Be aware.

Of course, only you know your own body. But when we ignore signs of stress, exhaustion, and overheating is when we’re most at risk of long-term complications. If you feel yourself getting tired, stop. If you’re dizzy, stop. If you’re thirsty, stop. Learn to recognize the signs of heat exhaustion and pay attention. It could make all the difference.

Dress properly.

Lastly, make sure you’re dressed properly for the conditions. Wear clothes that help wick moisture away from the body and keep you cool. Don’t skip out on the protective gear that your company requires. Even if your company doesn’t have a specific policy, which they should, you can still make sure you adhere to proper safety protocol for your welding or fabrication job.

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Are you looking for more information on staying safe in your shipyard job? Contact the recruiters at Hutco today.




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