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Are You Using Social Media To Find Top Shipyard Talent?

You may not think about social media as a tool to help you find talent for your shipyard, but there may be something you’re missing by not giving it a try. Though you may think it’s just a fad or that the people you’re searching for, but there is real value is expanding your talent search to social media. What can you do to catch up with the technology and use it in your own business? Here are a couple of things you can do to get started today.

Find candidates where they are.

Do you know where your competition is finding their great talent? It may be surprising to discover that companies are already using social media for their recruiting programs. While online job boards replaced newspaper advertisements, social media is switching things up again. Using platforms like Twitter and Facebook can target people when they’re actively looking or just passing the time on these social media accounts.

Company branding.

Social media is also the place where you can add to your company’s positive reputation. You probably spent some time improving your company website, so use that same branding on your social media. The most popular sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Reflect your business on each platform and start using them as a way to connect to a wider audience.

Selecting the right sites.

It’s also important to note that you don’t need to be on every social media platform. There are literally dozens you can choose from, but not all of them will be useful for a shipyard. Many experts suggest at least LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. But don’t think you have to be on everything like Pinterest or Instagram unless you feel it will be helpful for your projects.

Develop social media goals.

Before you start, what do you want to get out of social media? Do you want to connect to a wider audience? Do you want to attract contracts? Are you looking for employees? Just having these social media accounts doesn’t help your business grow, so you should sit down and determine how you want to use them effectively. It may help to talk to a social media expert.

Adjust your process along the way.

You should also know that social media is completely fluid. If you find that something isn’t working, you can always adjust, change, or remove the parts that don’t fit your shipyard. For example, if you find that you want to share photos of your projects but they get lost in the Facebook shuffle, consider making an Instagram account. If you find you don’t use something at all, delete the account or just come back to it later.

Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.

Do you want to know more about using social media to find talent? Contact the team at Hutco today.




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