Are you concerned that some of your shipyard employees aren’t working up to their potential? Maybe they started out strong but as time went by they became complacent in their work. Or maybe their initial interview indicated a stronger performance level than they’ve been providing since day one. There could be added responsibilities that aren’t working out or something going on at home. No matter the cause, a drop off in productivity can be a problem for managers. How do you solve this and help your employee work up to their potential? Here are some tips to boost productivity.
Be clear in your expectations.
Establishing your expectations is often the first and most important step in any workplace environment. Neither of you are mind readers, so you can’t simply expect them to understand the process if you’re not willing to take the time to explain it. Even if you dislike confrontation, you need to be able to express your expectations to your team. Make sure you’re not being passive aggressive in your communications. Be clear and upfront about what you’re looking for each day.
Provide confirmation along the way.
It is also possible that your employee is simply not aware that they are performing at a less than stellar level on the job. As you go, talk to your team about how they’re doing, what they can do better, and what they are doing right. Your confirmation is like a coach’s pep talk. It’s essential to keep the lines of communication open with everyone.
Engage and challenge your employees.
While it may sound counterintuitive, sometimes a lack of effort on the job is the result of not feeling challenged. Maybe your employee needs something new to get them interested and engaged in their job again. If they are bored, they can certain underperform and tank your shipyard’s productivity. Don’t punish them, but give them new tasks that can help them feel more invested again.
Express gratitude for their work.
Sometimes employees feel underappreciated and that’s why their productivity takes a nosedive. Are you saying thank you enough? Providing recognition for their accomplishments shows your team that you are invested in their contribution and value their performance. General gratitude is contagious, too, so as you start to say thank you more often you’ll notice coworkers being more thankful toward one another. Rewards and company-level recognition can also go a long way to improving productivity.
Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.
Do you have questions about motivating your underperforming employees? Contact the team at Hutco to learn more today.