Working in a shipyard is often a physical job, but like any job it can also be stressful in terms of mental health. And, in a complete cycle, stress can negatively impact physical health. In fact, stress on the job can cause heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. So how do you manage stress and keep yourself calm and happy in your shipyard job? While it’s easier to say than do, it is possible to manage stress on the job. Here are a few tips you can use for managing your stress in the shipyard.
Maintain your cool.
One of the most important things to note is that stress on the job is often caused by reactions to things both in and out of your control. When you feel stress rising, take a minute to compose yourself. Determine if you can change the circumstances and control your stress reaction. If you need to step away from the work you’re doing, assess if you are at a safe stopping point and take a break.
Stay healthy.
Stress management isn’t just something you need to do on the job. It’s important that you make health an important part of your daily routine. Eat well and avoid stress eating by only having access to healthy snacks and drinks. Exercise regularly, which helps get your healthier endorphins moving. Take up hobbies away from work that positively affect your mood.
Learn when to walk away.
There will be times when stressful situations are unavoidable. But you can walk away from people and situations that are causing unnecessary stress in your life or on the job. Learn how to avoid situations that may be more stressful than others without compromising the quality of work you do. Build relationships on the job with others who have a positive attitude.
Use breathing techniques.
Another way to manage stress on the job is to take a page out of meditation and mindfulness practices. While you may not want to take up yoga or learn to meditate in a dark and quiet room, simple deep breathing exercises can be helpful to keep your cool in a stressful situation.
Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.
Do you want to know more ways to manage your stress on the job? Contact the employment experts at Hutco today.