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How To Stay Safe On The Job This Summer

Summer heat can be brutal. That’s why many people retreat to the comfort of airconditioned homes and offices. But shipyard workers don’t always have that luxury, so it’s important to be prepared for the summer heat. Not only will you need to work in the sun, but many aspects of shipbuilding are done in small, hot spaces or with heat-generating tools. This summer, consider these heat safety tips to stay cool and healthy in the summer sun.

Give yourself a break.

There aren’t any jobs we can think of in a shipyard that are easy or low-impact. And jobs like welding and fabrication can be exhausting in general. So don’t push yourself beyond what your body can handle. And keep in mind that this breaking point will be shorter in the summer heat. Take regular breaks to cool down. Talk to your supervisor about safe and cool places to retreat to regularly.

Drink plenty of water.

Working in the sun can cause dehydration faster than any other job or time of year. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day as you sweat. You can also have beverages like sports drinks that contain electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients in the sun.

Get in the shade.

The sun can cause more than just heat exhaustion. Sunburn is no laughing matter either. So make sure you’re protected by using sunscreen. But even with sunscreen, the risk is real. Most people don’t reapply often enough. So when you can, get in the shade to give you skin a break from the harmful rays of the sun.

Know the signs.

While your management and safety team will also be trained to notice signs of heat exhaustion or worse, it’s important that you’re also aware. You know your own body best. Ignoring signs of overheating can put you at risk of major complications. If you get tired or dizzy, stop what you’re doing. Take breaks to drink water and get out of the sun. If you think something is wrong, say something.

Wear the right clothes.

You also want to be prepared with the right summer wardrobe for working outside. Invest in clothes that wick moisture away from the body and help to keep you cool. Wear protective gear that your company requires. If you can, you may also want to wear a hat or other head covering to keep the top of your head from burning.

Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.

Are you keeping cool this summer? Talk to the team at Hutco today to learn more about open shipyard positions.




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