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Docking Turnover – Tips on Decreasing Employee Turnover

Companies not paying attention to employee turnover are doomed to repeat it. Employee retention is essential for any company, but even more so in a specialized industry. When you’re pulling from a smaller candidate pool than other manufacturing companies, you need to be sure that you keep top talent on board. Without a focus on employee retention, you can find yourself replacing essential positions and very inconvenient times for your company and your clients. If you want to decrease employee turnover in your shipyard, here are some tips that can help out.

  1. Get it right from the start. Far too many employees leave positions within the first 90 days. The reason may be due to poor training or unpleasant work environment. You can help solve this problem by focusing on your initial onboarding program to make new employees feel comfortable and valued. Many companies have success with mentor programs to pair experienced employees with new staff.
  2. Provide feedback early and often. Sometimes, the reason for turnover is a lack of management feedback. Or the employee may feel that feedback is only negative. Instead, provide praise for positive performance as well as gentle correction when necessary. Don’t wait to talk with them because lack of information may also make them uneasy on the job.
  3. Two-way street. Of course, don’t forget that feedback should be given to you as well. Sometimes employees leave when they feel like they can’t talk to management. Provide an environment where your shipyard employees feel comfortable coming to you with new ideas, concerns, or challenges. They should not feel as though their feedback will create a negative environment.
  4. Give them what they want. When it comes to preventing turnover, don’t forget the benefits of providing incentives. Not only should you give your team recognition for their hard work, but consider the additional perks that will motivate your employees. Take a look at the common incentives in the shipyard industry and create a program that will enhance your employee experience.

Do you have more questions about preventing turnover in your shipyard?

The team at Hutco can help, so call today.




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