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The Skills you Need to be a Great Welder

Are you looking to start your career in welding? If you think that welding is a good long-term career choice for you, possibly working within a shipyard environment, what do you have to bring to the table. Welding is always in high demand, especially for the marine industry, so a little preparation can give you an advantage over competition when applying for these jobs. Before you start applying for welding jobs, here are just a few of the skills you need to be a great welder.



Welding is a precise art. Especially when you’re welding important components of a ship. To be a successful welder in a shipyard position, you need to demonstrate physical dexterity. This precision can be learned, but it will take time and practice.


Attention to Detail

Strong attention to detail is also necessary to be a successful welder. Attention to detail can be learned in a variety of ways, not just with the physical act of welding. You can pay attention to detail in your communication, your math, and other aspects of the work you do to demonstrate that this important to you.



Working in a shipyard can be challenging. Often, welders will be working in tight spaces that are hot and not well ventilated. The shipyard you will work for will have safety standards and practices in place, but you also need to know that you can handle the environment.


Spatial Orientation

Because of these tight quarter and putting together large-scale pieces to make up a while, it’s also important that your spatial awareness is keen. This can be honed over time and can also showcase your mathematics skills.


Technical Skills

Welding involves the use of specific tools of the trade. You need to be aware of these tools, have experience using them, and the knowledge to use them safely. In the evolving workplace, it’s also becoming more important that you understand the uses of new technologies such as AI or augmented reality.

Are you looking for a job in welding within a shipyard environment? Contact the team at Hutco to see what we’re working on today.



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