When it comes to safety in the shipyard, ignorance is not a good defense if something becomes a problem. It’s important that you’re aware of the rules and protocol but also stay alert to potential hazards around you. Being diligent is always the best first step. How can you stay more alert and recognize safety problems before they happen? Here are some tips to help you.
Always be Mindful
Whenever you’re on site at the shipyard, your job is to be aware of safety at all times. That means while you’re focusing on the work you’re doing; safety is always at the top of your mind as you do it. Being mindful about safety means you take precautions when working as well as keep your eye open for potential hazards.
If You See Something, Say Something
Any time to see something out of place that could create a safety problem in the workplace, talk to your supervisor. If you see it but don’t say something, you’re just as culpable if something were to happen. Don’t be afraid to speak up, you may be saving someone from a major injury.
Put Things Away
While you’re working, always put your tools and materials away where they belong whenever you’re done. Always leave your workstation clean and neat when you go home for the day. That way you know that nothing you have touched is in any position to be a hazard for anyone else.
Dress for the Job
Always be aware of safety gear when you’re working. Don’t let things slip. Wear whatever protective gear you need and follow the dress code closely. These items are in place to prevent accidents and injuries, so they are imperative.
Know and Review the Safety Rules
From time to time, review the safety rules. You may have read them and know them, but always be willing to look something up to make sure you’re as up to date as you need to be to ensure the safety of you and the coworkers around you.
Do you want to make safety a priority for your job? Contact Hutco today to see what we can do for you.