Just because you’re a woman in a physically demanding job doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t experience motherhood. However, when you’re pregnant on the job in the shipyard, you will have to make some additional considerations and accommodations. Plenty of women before you have successfully navigated marine industry work and pregnancy at the same time. Here is a quick guide to help you make plans for the next several months to keep you and your baby safe.
Consult Your Doctor
No matter what your exact job is within the shipyard environment, always talk to your doctor about doing strenuous work while pregnant. There will be some jobs that will be easier, and some physical activity is good.
However, your doctor will be able to tell you exactly what works for you and your baby. There may be certain things you should avoid during these months, especially nearing the end of your pregnancy.
Know Your Limits
It’s also important that you listen to the recommendations give by your doctor as well as your own body. It’s okay to know your limits and only work as hard as both medical advice and your physical condition will allow.
If you need to take breaks, make sure you do so regularly. If you need to stay cool within the hot and humid shipyard, make arrangements to keep cool.
Talk to Your Supervisor
It’s also imperative that you talk with your supervisor about your expectations and requirements. They may be able to figure out a way that you can continue to contribute but not put yourself or your baby in physical danger.
The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission offers several protections for pregnant workers. You and your supervisor should be able to come to an agreement that is best for everyone.
Eat Well and Stay Hydrated
Regardless of the work you do, it’s important that you eat healthy and stay hydrated to maintain your health and the health of the baby. Especially in a shipyard where it can become hot and overheating is a real danger, avoid dehydration.
Your specific diet should depend on the advice of your doctor, but don’t skip meals while working and take your lunches and breaks while on the clock.
Do you need to know more about working at a shipyard while pregnant? Contact Hutco to learn more today.