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What to Include on a Resume if You Have No Job Experience

Resume With No Experience

You want a marine industry job, but you don’t have any previous experience in a shipyard. You may not have any prior experience in anything besides a few after-school jobs or things you don’t think belong a resume. But that lack of experience shouldn’t be a barrier to you getting a great new job to help you work toward a career. What do you include on a resume if you don’t have job experience? Here are some tips to get you started.

Reframe the Work You Have Done

Sometimes it’s not about the amount of work you have done but how you frame it for the reader. For example, if you’ve helped out in the storeroom of your uncle’s restaurant, you might not consider that a job but you had duties and requirements just like any other position. Consider how you might include that on your resume.

Highlight Problem Solving Skills

Throughout your life, you’ve had to solve problems. What were some examples of that? Maybe it was in school, or perhaps it was with a big project. Maybe you helped a friend rebuild an engine and had to overcome some challenges. Whatever it was, it can be included in your experience.

Share Your Educational Accomplishments

What did you do in school? How were you praised when you did a good job? After high school, what did you do? If you went to school to learn about welding, electrical work, or anything else that might be important to a shipyard job these are great things to highlight on your resume.

Keep it Short

Your resume doesn’t have to encompass your entire life history. It also doesn’t need to be longer than a page or two. If you don’t have a lot to include, focus on the quality of the things rather than the quantity. Keep it short and choose an easy to read format.


Finally, make sure you edit your resume before you submit it. Even the smallest mistake can disqualify you from a job that would otherwise we a perfect fit. If you need to, have a friend or family member look over the resume as well.


Are you ready for your next shipyard job? The team at Hutco is hiring, so call now.





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