A job description is simple, right? You list the duties of the job, the experience required, and post it online? Well, that may not get the results you’re expecting. If you’re not seeing quality resumes in response to your ads, it may not be the candidates who are lacking but the job description that isn’t attracting the most qualified people. Before you post your next job opening, consider a few things you can do to improve your job description and bring in the right talent.
Show Excitement
Candidates can tell when you’re just going through the motions versus when you’re excited about your opportunity. Without conveying your excitement about the job, you won’t get the resumes from candidates who are excited about the prospect of working with you. Use your enthusiasm about your shipyard to demonstrate why you’re a good employer and all that you have to offer.
Start with a Hook
Just like a candidate resume needs to grab your attention from the start, you also need to hook applicants in with your first statement. You want the most qualified candidates to be interested in the posting and click for more information or to submit their applications. Think of the things that will attract people to your shipyard and start with a bang.
Include the Most Important Details
A good job description isn’t just a list of duties, but it does provide the most important information about the job. Share the general responsibilities, information about salary or benefits, and the required skills someone should bring to the table. This allows for people to see if they realistically qualify for the job.
Personalize It
You also want to attract qualified candidates by sharing some of what makes you an employer of choice. Talk a little about your environment, what sets you apart from your competition, and make it inviting to apply. There are several ways to humanize the posting so candidates feel connected to the information and won’t be worried about sending the information into an abyss.
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Contact the team at Hutco today.