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Safety in the Shipyard Starts with Communication: 4 Ways to Get it Right

Management Tips for Shipyard Employees

If there is one most important thing in any shipyard, it’s attention to safety. Workers need to trust that their safety will be a top priority while on the job site. Creating a strong safety plan includes special attention to communication. If you want to create a safety process that everyone will understand and adhere to, here are the 4 key factors you need to reinforce the program with your levels of communication.

1. Interactive

Good safety communication means that the discussion is a two-way street. You need to communicate the safety rules with your team, but you also need them to feel comfortable sharing their concerns or feedback with you. To do this, ensure that the presentation of information is done to facilitate interactive communication.

One option is to provide a comment box or hold town hall meetings frequently to hear your team’s ideas.

2. Informative

Safety communication also needs to be informative. It needs to convey exactly what you want your employees to know about safety protocol in your shipyard. Clear communication of expectations along with the possible outcomes and solutions will be critical.

Always consider your message by determining if it is helpful before providing the information. Be sure to provide the info in a way that everyone on your team can understand.

3. Positive

While it may feel like you want to showcase the negative consequences that can happen when safety protocols aren’t followed, this kind of communication is not productive. Instead, focus on the positive implications of a good safety system. It should also include a lot of information about prevention and a clear exchange of ideas.

Even if you need to point out a problem to illustrate the danger, be sure to provide positive solutions so everyone can see how it can be improved.

4. Productive

By providing important safety information, you impart a sense of ownership which will increase productivity. Productive conversations about an essential part of your shipyard will only increase your employee’s compliance and improve all aspects of the workplace culture.

Hosting meetings for the sake of meetings is more likely to frustrate your team rather than motivate them. Make sure your safety meetings are meaningful and useful.

Do you want to partner with a staffing provider who understands that safety is a top priority in your shipyard?

Talk to the team at Hutco today.




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