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How to Avoid Getting Hurt on the Job Site

avoid getting hurt

Distractions are often a part of any job. But distractions are always what can cause major accidents. How can you avoid getting hurt on the job site? Focusing on safety is of utmost importance, and selling your ability to remain safe on the job will be vital to finding your next role. So how can you avoid injury and stay focused on safety at work?

Positive Attitude

It may sound strange, but having a positive attitude can help you stay safe on the job. When you approach your career in a bad mood, you may be prone to allowing negative situations to get the best of you. Approaching things with a positive attitude can make you much more aware and willing to change things for the better.

Situational Awareness

Next, you need to bring situational awareness to the table. That means you are always aware of the things going on around you, even things that don’t directly affect you. You never know where hazards can come from, so it’s essential to be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Use Safety Equipment

Whatever is required in your workplace, make sure you’re using safety equipment the right way. This includes requirements such as steel-toed boots, hard hats, back braces, ear or eye protection, or anything else required by your employer. When you become slack with these items, that’s when accidents can happen.

Maintain Safety Training

It’s your employer’s responsibility to provide safety orientation and regular training. However, it is your responsibility to maintain this training throughout the time you work there. Safety training isn’t a one-time thing. It needs to be continually reinforced, and it’s your responsibility to give them your complete attention.

Know the Plan

Accidents can still happen even when you’re careful. You also need to know the plan for what to do in an emergency. Regularly refresh your memory of what to do in various circumstances, so you know how to respond in an instant when something happens.

Are you looking for a great work environment where your safety is a top priority?

Contact the team at Hutco today.




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