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The Importance of Transparency in Leadership

The Importance of Transparency in Leadership

Leadership is the backbone of any organization. In the shipyard, the right people in the correct leadership positions will make all the difference for success. What’s more important is that your leadership is transparent to manage better and motivate the team. Your employees are your greatest asset, so be sure to encourage ownership, excitement, and productivity through your leadership style. Here are the benefits of transparent leadership.

4 Leadership Tips For Developing Healthy and Productive Teams

1. Advocate for Employees

When you’re open and honest with your team, it’s easier to advocate for them. Transparency in your communication will allow your team to feel comfortable talking with you when they have questions or concerns. That puts you in an excellent position to speak on their behalf to your supervisors and share information with your team whenever necessary.

2. Manage Expectations

When you leave things mysterious, all you do is encourage the rumor mill. And when that starts, it’s nearly impossible to rein in the expectations of everyone. Instead, being completely transparent will allow you to communicate effectively and manage the expectations of your team, so everyone is on the same page.

3. Improve Employee Performance

Building trust with your employees by being transparent will also improve their overall performance. Your team is much more willing to contribute if they feel like management is on their side. And you can prove to them that you are with your actions. Even simply saying thank you more can improve employee performance, so transparent communications can do even more.

4. Accountability for the Future

Transparency is all about accountability. If you provide information when and where it happens, you’re also willing to take responsibility for the future. It’s hard to hold your team accountable if you’re not ready to hold yourself responsible. By being open and honest, you increase this trust with the team now and in the future.

How can we help you be a better leader?

Hutco can help. We are veterans of the marine staffing industry since 1986. We started on the Louisiana coast, staffing shipyards in the oil and gas industry. Since then, Hutco has evolved and now services the inland waterways, as well as the eastern and western seaboard. If you are looking for an experienced partner that knows marine staffing or looking for a job in the industry, Hutco is your best choice. Contact us to see what we’re working on today.

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