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Industries That Will Grow The Most In The Next 10 Years


There has been so much change in the last two years it can be challenging to keep up. Many job seekers, just like you, are looking for new careers that might be outside of their previous experience, which can open doors to incredible opportunities. So what industries will be growing in the next ten years?

Let’s take a closer look.

Artificial Intelligence

AI and machine learning is the technology that allows us to automate some of the decision-making. AI is used across many industries, including the marine industry. Like self-driving cars, ships already use assistive technology that will inform the future of marine navigation and self-driving technology for marine applications.

Blockchain Technology

You may be most familiar with blockchain when you think of cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. But blockchain has a lot of great applications, including in the shipping and cargo industries. Simply put, blockchain is code that contains specific and identifiable data. It builds on itself, thus creating the “chain.” Blockchain can’t be tampered with, making it useful for various applications.


It’s not surprising to learn that robotics is also an integral part of the shipbuilding industry. Robots are simply machines that can do jobs. Some can be automated, but other robots require people to run their processes and ensure consistent production. Individuals with robotics engineering skills will continue to be in demand.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality, a type of virtual reality, is an exciting technology with various uses within the marine industry. AR is currently used in training applications, especially in companies’ working remotely. New employees can experience shipyard environments during onboarding. It can also be used for remote inspections and several other applications.


Can a technical career in a shipyard be the right fit for you? Contact Hutco to learn more.




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