How Are You Eliminating Safety Hazards for Your Workers’ Hands?
There are a lot of safety risks in a shipyard. You are certainly aware of the big risks including falling or eye protection. But have you considered your workers’ hands? Their hands are the bread and butter of your shipbuilding operation, so you will do well to help protect them with a variety of safety […]
What Gets Your Cover Letter Noticed
Do you have a cover letter to help sell your resume to your next marine employer? You may not have thought about a cover letter in a long time. In fact, many people believed them to be obsolete. But cover letters can be the first glimpse for an employer into who you are as a […]
What Can You Do to Be Proactive About Shipyard Quality?
The success of your shipbuilding business hinges on how you handle the quality process. Without it, clients will be unhappy and further production will be limited. So what can you do to be proactive about shipyard quality? Before you make any major changes, take a look at some of the key factors that cause issues […]