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4 Things to Consider When Transitioning Contract Employees to Permanent Employees

The marine industry is one that often turns to short-term manufacturing help to get through a big project push. Often, when you’re working with contractors to assist with a big project, you don’t expect to make a permanent job offer. But talent comes when talent comes and you may find a perfect long-term employee in your team of temporary workers. So how do you transition that contract employee to full time in your shipyard? Here are some tips to get you started.

1. Above and beyond.

Some of your contractors will see this shipyard project as a short-term job. They arrive every day and go through the motions. They will get the job done, but they don’t have that extra something that pushes them over the edge. When you see someone who is willing to take on more responsibility or who wants to learn from your full-time employees, you may want to consider them for more than just the project.

2. Personal interactions.

You will also want to evaluate how these short-term contractors work with your permanent marine staff. If they get along with your current team and bring necessary skills to the table, you may not be able to let them go once the contract is over. Talk to your current team about performers who stand out from the crowd.

3. Attendance and reliability.

We have certain expectations for our employees, and being on time is one of them. And while placement agencies will strive to only staff reliable employees, you may begin to notice personality traits that are not a fit for your shipyard in the long term. Take note of their attendance on the assignment.

4. Full-time attitude.

Lastly, when you’re looking at temporary employees working in your shipyard, try to focus on those who treat this like it’s a full-time job rather than a temporary assignment. There’s nothing wrong with someone preferring to work short term, but you will see those who are using this as a springboard to impress an employer and find long-term employment.

Work with a leader in shipyard staffing.

Do you want to transition top temp employees to full-time workers? Contact Hutco to see how we can help today.




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