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Improving Morale Series #4: Never Guilt Trip Employees for taking Time Off

The U.S. has a genuine problem when it comes to vacation. In other countries, vacations are viewed as a requirement and some even go so far as to shut down for an entire holiday season. While we can’t implement such drastic changes in the U.S. workplace, we can encourage employees to take time off. The problem is, many workers fear using their vacation time because they are concerned about potential repercussions. They’re afraid that they will be seen as replaceable. As a manager, you have control over this. How can you change your management style to improve morale and encourage the use of vacation time?


Why Should Your Employees Take Time Off?

Time off isn’t just a benefit for the employee, it’s an essential part to a smoothly operating workplace. Humans need breaks. Our brains need to recharge from time to time. That’s why taking days off is critical to running your shipyard.

These breaks can come in the form of an extended vacation or just personal time off to attend to matters outside the workplace.


Creating a PTO Plan

There are a variety of ways to develop the right Paid Time Off plan for your shipyard. Some companies have a set number of days for vacation and sick time. Others create a pool of time where the employees can use it for any reason.

You also need to determine how much time they can roll over to the next year. To encourage them to use their PTO annually, limit the number of days they can keep.


No Contact During Time Off

The biggest fear from employees is that they’ll be viewed as replaceable when they’re not on the job. This can be exacerbated by management contacting them away from work. It’s a double edge sword. They want to be a part of the team, but they also want to have their time to themselves.

Don’t have repercussions for taking approved time off work. And don’t contact them while they’re away from the office.


Lead By Example

Finally, to have a healthy PTO system in your shipyard, you need to make sure you’re leading by example. If you, as management, don’t take time off you can’t expect your employees to do it.

You also need to trust your team that they can handle the job without you. Don’t call in when you’re on vacation. Separate time on the clock with time off the clock to promote morale and a good work/life balance.

Can you improve morale with a strong PTO policy? Contact Hutco today to learn more.



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