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How to Create Teamwork Amongst Shipyard Employees

Productivity among your shipyard employees is imperative to the success of your operation. But what is it that drives productivity? Have you considered the level of teamwork that keeps your employees engaged? How do you create teamwork in your shipyard with seasoned and new employees alike? There is good news. Building teamwork is something you can work toward from the beginning. Here are ways to encourage teamwork and productivity on the job.

  • Encourage small changes. It is generally easier for individuals to accept change if it happens in small increments at a time. When you encourage your employees to interact as a team, start slowly and work your way up. If there are little things you can modify that will naturally encourage teamwork to grow in an organic way, start with those.
  • Build the right team. Take a look at the team you currently have in place. What are their strengths and weaknesses? You may be able to shuffle players around to be more effective. When you need to add new employees, look at the holes you need to fill to create a great team and concentrate on those. This strategy will not just improve teamwork but increase overall employee satisfaction.
  • Assess your management style. Sometimes, it’s not your employee but you who needs to change. If your team isn’t working to their full potential, you may need to reassess your own management style. Maybe your team doesn’t feel inspired or they feel suffocated by micromanagement. Ask for feedback to see what you can change to improve their performance.
  • Make a long-term plan. Always look to the future to see what you may be able to do to improve the overall team energy in your shipyard. For example, if someone leaves what will you do to fill that gap in your production? Don’t be afraid to make changes or admit that something isn’t working smoothly. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is remove someone who isn’t working out and replace them with a shipyard employee better suited to your team.

Do you want to facilitate teamwork among your shipyard employees? Contact Hutco today to learn more.



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