American workers spend more than 40 hours away from home every week. You often spend more time with your coworkers than your family when you factor in time to sleep each day. But work doesn’t have to be a drag. You can have fun doing something you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be impossible. Here’s how to find a job that makes you happy.
Align Your Interests and Skills
Start with this exercise:
- Make a list of your interests
- Make a list of your skills
Once you’ve completed both lists, compare them. In what ways can your skills help you find a job relevant to your interests? For example, do you love naval history? Do you have experience with metal welding? The marine industry is always looking for experienced welders, and you would have the opportunity to work within a shipyard.
Focus on Company Culture
You want to work for a company that matches your goals and values. It’s okay to evaluate an organization based on its company culture. Do they pay a competitive salary? Do they offer work/life balance? Are they inclusive in their hiring practices? Focus on what is most important to you when interviewing with any company.
Weigh the Work/Life Balance
In an era of The Great Resignation and what many people call quiet quitting, you may want to focus on organizations that offer work/life balance. This means that you can work hard while on the clock, but you can also leave the stress of the job behind when you are home.
Trust Your Instincts
It’s okay to trust your gut. 30% of people leave jobs within the first 90 days. Often, this is because the job didn’t turn out to be what they expected. However, there are sometimes red flags that you might overlook or talk yourself out of when you’re hiring. If you have concerns, it’s better to walk away than power through.