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Tips to Professionally Handle the Employment Resignation Process

Retaining Employees

Resignations happen even to the best of employers. People leave jobs all the time and not always for negative reasons. Even with the most positive work environment and great team, people quit. Even though many reasons are outside your control, there are some you need to take ownership of. Here is how to professionally handle the employment resignation process.

Request a Formal Resignation Letter

Many people, especially in manufacturing jobs, will give verbal notice to quit. For your records, it’s better to have a resignation letter. When an employee lets you know they’re resigning, ask them to put it in writing.

Plan Their Two-Week Notice

If they’ve provided a two-week notice, plan to optimize that time. Make a map of their exit, including projects they should complete before leaving and how you will transition their duties to someone else. Talk to the employee to get input so you can retain as much of their knowledge as possible.

Determine Succession or Recruitment

You also need to determine if there is someone currently on the team who will step into this role or if you need to begin the recruiting process. If you need to hire someone from outside the organization, it may take more than two weeks, so you’ll also need a plan for how the work will be completed during that time. You may also want to consider hiring a contingent worker to fill in.

Commit to an Exit Interview

Feedback from the departing employee can also help you make essential changes moving forward. You want to find out why they are leaving and if there is anything your organization could have done to make them stay. It’s best to have a neutral third party, such as an HR representative, conduct the exit interview so your employee can be candid.

Hold a Going Away Event

Even as they leave, you must demonstrate that you value your employees. Hosting a going away event is one way to show that you appreciate their work. The kind of event you hold will depend on your company culture. If it’s common to host happy hours after work, do so as a farewell. Or you can provide a small gift or lunch to your departing employee.

Do you need to replace employees who are leaving? Contact the team at Hutco now.



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